Thursday, 10 August 2017

Juvenile Vandalism

vandalism journal pdf
The purpose of this article is to take up the topic of vandalism. Vandalism is a collective act of urban youths, whereby they indulge in destroying property, primarily for the sake of fun, at first sight. Deeper below the surface, however, it is possible to discern latent feelings of being oppressed and accordingly it is possible to infer about accumulated resentment feelings eventually leading to a passionate desire to take revenge from the mainstream society. While many other sorts of other youth offences or crimes basically pertain to industrialized countries, vandalism is observed to occur widely in developing countries, including Turkey, as well.

Thursday, 27 July 2017

Agro Terrorism: A Global Perspective

agro terrorism impact factor
The global food supply chain remains a significant target for those who want to cause fear, harm or destruction to our sustenance of life and liberty. When naturally-occurring animal outbreaks, such as foot and mouth disease, avian influenza, chronic waste disease, swine flu, or the many animal and crop diseases and pathogens are added to the list of potential security concerns and threats, biosecurity and bioterrorism assume a greater significance in a nation’s effort to effectively secure their homeland. Information and intelligence gathering, policy decisions, target hardening, and resource allocation become linchpins for effective homeland security. This paper discusses global agricultural security risks within the milieu of agro terrorism as a threat to biosecurity.

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Life Insurance Industry: A New Hope for Unemployed Youth towards Building a Secured Future in India

civilization journal pdf
It is not possible for civilization to flow backwards while there is youth in the World, youth may be headstrong but it will advance it allotted length. The World’s biggest power is the Youth Power. The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it. {Albert Einstein}. Ever since Independence, the youth power has trying to instinctive urge for expansion and growth in the society. For them, the function and duty of a quality human being is the sincere and honest development of one’s potential. This paper highlights clear picture of youth at risk in India and possible suggestion for ending insured Youth in India by providing life insurance measures, a new hope for building a protected future, and check them from not being involved in criminal activities.

Thursday, 20 July 2017

The Intelligence Club: A Comparative Look at Five Eyes

The goal of intelligence is to evaluate data and attempt to reduce uncertainty. Successful intelligence practices try to reduce apparent ambiguity through accurate estimates and support the implementation of successful policy. The ability of intelligence communities to react to new threats and adapt and focus on relevant issues quickly and efficiently is essential for modern intelligence.

political science peer reviewed articles
A greater understanding of what comprises (or what is perceived as) an intelligence failure is important in avoiding methods that don’t work; similarly, having an awareness of other states’ intelligence efforts and observing different (and possibly more successful) approaches can help mitigate sedentary, too-conservative thinking. A group which has been extraordinarily successful, by any subjective or objective standard, has been the Five Eyes. Five Eyes is a surveillance arrangement comprised of the United States’ National Security Agency (NSA), the United Kingdom’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD), Canada’s Communications Security Establishment (CSEC), and New Zealand’s Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB). A comparative look at Five Eyes’ intelligence efforts and agencies provides an opportunity to examine what may contribute to common themes of intelligence success.

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Attitude of Owners of Small-scale Industries towards the Lending Services of the State Bank of India in Tamilnadu–A Study

entrepreneurship journals impact factor
The small-scale industry is widely recognized as a powerful instrument for socio economic growth and balanced sectorial development. Considering the large employment level and backlog of creation of new jobs to provide employment to all able hands today, hopes are pinned on the small-scale sector. A growing economy needs the support of a financial structure which is responsive to the needs of development. In India, in the process of financial deepening, commercial banks have to shoulder special responsibilities for meeting the financial needs of diverse sectors of the economy. There are many factors which influence the overall opinion of owners of SSI units on lending services of the banks. The level of satisfaction of SSI units towards lending policies of State Bank of India has been analyzed and the factors affecting the level of satisfaction have been studied with the help of chi-square test.

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

The Islamic State Threat to Western Homeland Security

journal of public affairs impact factor
The terrorism the West faces today is unprecedented. A 2016 U.S. congressional study reports that since 2014 there have been 101 Islamic State (IS) linked plots launched against the Western countries 2. More troubling are IS’ attacks that have killed more than 273 in Europe3. The terrorist threat is estimated as severe too critical in France, Belgium, Britain, the United States and Germany. These countries have experienced the most attacks and plots. Though 1,600 terror suspects have been arrested across Europe Islamic State sympathizers continue their attacks 4. Some analysts worry that IS’ terror campaign could intensify as the organizations proto-jihadist state in Iraq-Syria unravels 5. Even as its caliphate degrades IS sympathizers in 2017 attacked Stockholm, London, Manchester and Paris.

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Exploring the Association between the Parental Separation and Adolescent Aggressive Behavior

criminology open access journals
Adolescent is an important transitional phase in the human life known for its set of behaviors and aggressiveness is one personality trait that is much talked of. Whether or not parental care and parental separation contributes to aggression is the question under study. According to a research among 220 secondary school students of both the genders from Owerri, there was no significant correlation traced between the parental separation, lack of parental care and the aggressive behaviors of the adolescent youth.

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Visual Profile of the Small Scale Industry Workers at the Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai

ophthalmology impact factor
India at present is considered a key power and is revolving into an established country from a rural country; an enormous division of its people still belongs to the poverty line. In emerging countries, great struggles are focused towards the development of small-scale industries as these are considered the engine for their economic growth.
Our eyes are in continuous usage throughout every waking minute. The method we practice through our eyes is useful to decide in what way we exert during our lifetime. Most of our learning is intervened through our eyes representing that how much important is our vision. Defective vision is quiet challenging which is detected after a long period of continuous exposure to the surroundings.

Russian Teenager: Attitude towards Psychical, Physical and Sexual Violence

This article is based upon two sociological research projects carried out by the Institute of Educational Sociology of the Russian Academy of Education. The first study took place in 2010-2012, as part of the programme initiated by ISE RAE “A teenager in the former USSR: 20 years later” in Moscow, Riga and Chisinau. It included a wide range of various topics (educational, professional and migrational plans of teenagers, orientation in cultural field, social activities of teenagers, manifestation of tolerance etc.).

international journal of sociology and criminology
This article will only deal with the data concerning Moscow schoolchildren (993 children from 9th and 11th grades) and will analyze their opinions regarding bullying. The second research was conducted in 2012 in Krasnoyarsk region and was dedicated to the study of teenagers’ attitude towards deviant behavior (smoking, alcohol and drugs abuse) and their orientation to the healthy lifestyle. This research also studied the sexual behavior of schoolchildren and their attitude to sexual violence. It comprised 1540 children from 7th, 9th and 11th grades. This survey was implemented in the framework of a research programme that has been started in 2002.

Preparation of a Photoactive 3D Polymer Pillared with Metalloporphyrin

material science journals impact factor
Among the very few efforts for the preparation of stable pillared graphene nanostructures, there is no report of tin porphyrin intercalated between TiO2-graphene (TG) nanosheets. In this study, a nanostructure material of pillared graphene made of tin porphyrin functionalized graphene-TiO2 composite (TG) was successfully synthesized. The prepared compound showed high activity in the photodegradation reaction under irradiation of visible light. Photocatalytic results showed that the composite of graphene-TiO2 containing 3% graphene had the highest photoactivity. The photoactivity of TG (3%) was about 1.5 times higher than that of the pure TiO2. Besides, tin porphyrin-pillared TG composite (TGSP) material exhibited an excellent visible light photocatalytic performance in degradation of methyl orange dye.

Monday, 3 July 2017

Public Interest as Concept and Legal Practice in China

political science peer reviewed articles
Public interest law as concept and practice emerged in the US in the early 20th century and was expanded in connection with the civil rights movement in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The concept has to a large degree been imported from the West where it has travelled from the US to other jurisdictions and been somewhat transformed along the way. Litigation, petitioning and advocacy activities in the name of the public interest have during the last decade been used by Chinese lawyers and activists in order to strengthen the protection of the rights of Chinese citizens. This article analyzes the version of public interest law developed in China, tailored to the distinguishing features of the social and political system there. The public interest label is used as it is less politically sensitive than terms like civil society or human rights protection.

Friday, 30 June 2017

The Turkish Version of Vendetta

Tezcan brings up two suggestion incidents, the first being one based on Özgen’s narration: In the black Sea region a man was shot dead. His widow buried her husband in the garden of the house. Every morning she put a piaster on the grave for her son to find. When the child found the coin she would say: “Your dead father provides this pocket money for you so that you will, one day, take his revenge”.

The second incident is based on VelidedeoÄŸlu, who in turn had received the information from the attorney of the province of Rize at the time: Fourty years ago [in 1929] a man was killed. The killer, after completing fifteen years of prison sentence, escaped the city. The posthumous child of the dead man grew up listening to bitter lullabies and funeral songs chanted by the mourning mother. Ten years after his release from the jail, the murderer got homesick and intended to make a visit disguised with a beard and on board a ship. The compatriots of the widow away from the city learned about this and notified her. The woman then said to her son: “Son, your day has come! Execute your duty!” The lad took a gun and shot the man right on the harbour.

Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Politics, Promises, and Partisanship? An Analysis of President Obama's Economic Stimulus Plan at the Congressional District Level

This research focuses on President Obama’s signature economic plan adopted in February 2009—the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). Using data available from, the analysis refines prior efforts to test the thesis that partisanship has played a central role in the distribution of funds across congressional districts by distinguishing between total spending on infrastructure and non-infrastructure programs as of the end of the second quarter of 2010.

political science journals impact factor
Further, this research examines not only political and demographic factors relative to the locus of stimulus fund expenditures but also the expected and actual employment impact of ARRA by district. The analysis provides little evidence for the partisan theory of stimulus spending. Rather, the results accentuate the demographic characteristics of the districts that have thus far received stimulus money and putatively benefitted from the most jobs, in some ways counter to what the White House may have intended due to the complexities of fiscal federalism.

Friday, 23 June 2017

Love Affair Gone Bad Leads to Violence: The Gonzalez-Angulo Story

sociological research journal articles
The case of Ana Maria Gonzalez-Angulo, a woman who was convicted of poisoning her lover George Blumenchein, demonstrates how crime is intertwined with gender roles. While men’s violent crimes are often connected with money, women’s violent crimes are usually aimed at people who reside in their domestic sphere. Gonzalez-Angulo’s crime fits this pattern. She did not poison her former lover for want of money, but instead appears to have assaulted him in anger as she had recently learned that Blumenchein would not be leaving his live-in girlfriend for her. Her all encompassing anger was at least partially fueled by her failure to meet cultural dictates for marriage and children. Despite widespread changes, marriage to a successful male is the culminating event in a whole host of cultural narratives, and Gonzalez-Angulo could not have escaped the pressure to achieve this goal.

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Equal Access to Elective Offices: A Challenge for Italian Democracy

Italy moves in that way from the 63rd to the 34th place in the women’s representation world ranking, drawn up periodically by Ipu (Inter parliamentary Union). It is a novelty of no small matter, especially considering the number of women in Parliament in past terms. In fact, in the past parliamentary term, women in the Chamber of Deputies were about 136 and 61 in the Senate, and, respectively, 21.6% and 19% of the total number of representatives.

political science journals impact factor
The achievement of 20% in the national parliament represented a great result compared to the past, even fairly recent. Previous parliamentary terms experienced a female incidence significantly lower: in the XII legislature women were about 12% of the total, in the XIII and XIV parliamentary term the women representation goes further, at about 10% for then registering a small increase in the XV legislature with 109 women in the Chamber of Deputies and 45 in the Senate, respectively 17.3% and 14% of the delegates.

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Global Civil-society Movements: What the World Social Forum Can do to Change the Worlds Situation

international journal of sociology and criminology
Today’s civil society, the post-ideological era of the late capitalist universal system of globalization, still denies basic human rights to a large majority of the world’s population and thus requires a pragmatic, post-ideological approach to social reality. Not all social problems can be attributed to capitalism and global economic agencies such as the World Trade Organization (WTO). It is a fact, however, that the global accumulation of capital in certain relations has adverse effects, including “alienation,” or estrangement of producers from their products. Yet, this does not negate the fact that many of the world’s people are still deprived of opportunities to accumulate the capital necessary for economic growth and development, as well as cyber technology, and so they are unable to enjoy the possible benefits of participating in liberal democracy. Because of this, many talented, motivated, and educated people in developing societies migrate to the West, even though their own native countries gravely need them.

Monday, 19 June 2017

The Piety of Common Sense and the Common Sense of Piety: A Sensible Reaction to the Idea of Same-Sex Marriage

The potential effects on society of same-sex marriage are considered in light of Giambattista Vico’s New Science and its critique of modernity. As a universal foundation of human being as well as society, marriage should be preserved from radical changes that incite the disintegration of society and the redefinition of human being.

journal of public affairs impact factor
Those who would have us ignore sex and gender differences seek an abstraction of human being that is characteristic of modern reason’s aggressive assault upon nature. Pre-rational foundations of reason are recalled in order to temper our thinking and to recognize and appreciate the imaginative and sensible foundations of human being and society, including marriage. To abandon these is the essence of impiety for Vico, rendering us into a re-animalization of man in which desires rule untempered by reason, but with reason as their servant. The abstract re-conceptualization of life levels us to a new and vicious barbarism.

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Religion and Tourism in Trinidad

sociology and criminology journal
Religious tourism is increasingly becoming an area of noteworthy study in the field of tourism studies. Although visitors have frequented religious sites for centuries, in what would be termed pilgrimages, the area of religious studies attempts to incorporate not only these visitors, but others who fall within the realm of the “new” cultural tourist: one who is seeking an enlightening, educating and enriching experience in a setting quite outside of their everyday existence. The Caribbean as a tourist destination has not been typically associated with religious tourism, but this is beginning to change (especially in the realm of Cuban tourism). This paper looks at the inception of a religious tourism thrust on the island of Trinidad (one half of the nation of Trinidad and Tobago).

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Violent Behavior of the Youth in the Illicit Drug Market of US during the Natural Disasters

sociology impact factor
Violence is the inevitable part of the open air, street-based illicit drug market. The intensity of the violence may vary depending upon the type of illicit drug sold. Mostly youngsters emerging from the socially and economically deprived localities of the USA are indulging in these kinds of conflicts that spur violence. Conflicts often take place to gain control over the customer's, business, for territorial domination, and to gain reputation. Violence is particularly high during or after the natural disasters. Series of violent events draw more people into the conflict, spreading it further into sporadic, cycle of violent incidents. Efforts to offer legal and psychological supports may change the scenario over a period of time.

Monday, 12 June 2017

Political Science for whom?: Knowledge in the Online Era

political science journals impact factor
If the Arab Spring taught us anything, it was that the Internet has become an important mean of the dissemination of ideas, creation of interest groups, mobilization of people, and changing public opinion. Although some will insist that the Arab Spring was not a social media phenomenon but a grassroots movement, we cannot ignore the power of unhampered information presented by the millions of users during the revolution. Images posted on Flickr or Face book and videos uploaded on YouTube were being seen by the world without the framing bias and “coloring” from traditional media outlets.

Friday, 9 June 2017

The Crimes of the Powerful are Under the Investigative Radars

We know a great deal about the crimes of the powerless in comparison to what we know about the crimes of the powerful. The former crimes are, for example, catalogued in statistics collected annually by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the United States and by similar agencies in other developed nations.

international journal of sociology and criminology
We also know that the data gathered are widely dispersed by the mass media. In contrast, the latter crimes are neither calculated by governmental agencies nor are they routinely reported on in the mass media. Even though most criminologists are well aware that the average person is increasingly at greater risk for and more likely to experience harm and injury from the latter criminals than the former criminals, the asymmetrical relationship continues between our knowledge of the crimes of the powerful and our knowledge of the crimes of the powerless for a myriad of related reasons.

Thursday, 8 June 2017

Political Science for whom?: Knowledge in the Online Era

political science impact factor
If the Arab Spring taught us anything, it was that the Internet has become an important mean of the dissemination of ideas, creation of interest groups, mobilization of people, and changing public opinion. Although some will insist that the Arab Spring was not a social media phenomenon but a grassroots movement, we cannot ignore the power of unhampered information presented by the millions of users during the revolution. Images posted on Flickr or Face book and videos uploaded on YouTube were being seen by the world without the framing bias and “coloring” from traditional media outlets.

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Poverty, Crime and Economic Polarization in America

international journal of sociology and criminology
Every day I read about the increasing income inequality in the United States. This very morning I saw an article written by Hope Yen of the Associated Press, which stated, “worker’s wages and salaries are growing at the lowest rate relative to corporate profits in U.S. history.” Yen’s article helped to shed light on a statistic released just last week by the U.S. department of agricultural, which reported that 20% of all American households made use of food stamps. Yen asserts that a significant number of food stamp recipients are low-wage workers with some college. Though her article focuses on young working people, I can’t help but draw a link to the large majority of poor women in America’s prison system. I caught a glimpse into the lives of some of these women while reading Piper Kerman’s best selling memoir, Orange is the New Black.

Monday, 5 June 2017

Environmental Flows, Political Dams

In 2005, a group of water resource experts issued a statement cajoling decision-makers to privilege the needs of nature in their water management strategies. In effect, their Brisbane Declaration popularized the idea of environmental flows, a concept that focuses attention on the quantity, quality and timing of water required to sustain a dependent ecosystem.

political science journals impact factor
In this essay I ask how well this concept has held up against the political pressures of popularity. To this end, I examine the various meanings inscribed on the concept of environmental flows as it has traveled across time and space. My findings uncover a few observations regarding the need for greater attentiveness to concept management. The findings also reveal a few surprising revelations about the forces at work behind conceptual alteration and the prospects of militating against these forces in our current global condition of heightened economic anxiety.

Friday, 2 June 2017

Epistemological Aspects of Social Research for the Qualitative Upgrading of Rational Systems in the Areas of Social Policy. The Greek Example

social policy impact factor
The present article attempts to explore new possibilities for an effective social policy and rationalization of social services through the revision of the epistemological aspects of social research, which can assist this approach. In this context, the article analyzes the use of knowledge that contributes to reframing research activity aiming at extracting data that are more extensive in content and specifically related to (a) the organization, management and scientific strategic planning of social policy bodies (b) the elaboration of research programs and up-to-date data processing (c) their use in decision and policy-making at a national or regional level and (d) the revised perception of social research and the effectiveness of its applications. The reference point of this paper is Greece.

Thursday, 1 June 2017

State Autonomy, Nationality Question and Self-Determination in India- Response of the State

The key concepts in this paper are ‘state autonomy’, ‘self-determination’ and ‘nationality’. This section will, therefore, make an attempt at conceptualizing the aforesaid terms. As far as the concept of ‘nationality’ is concerned, it may be observed that although ‘nationality’ is commonly understood as a derivative of ‘nation’, it can describe a different phenomenon. 

state autonomy impact factor
In Central Europe, the difference between the words ‘national’ and ‘nationality’ developed into a very significant distinction, viz., between the ‘nation-state’ on the one hand and the ‘state of nationalities’ on the other. The first stood for one-nation state and the second for multi-national state. This became a hotly debated issue between the leading nation and national minorities in the successor states of the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empires.

Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Determining the Vulnerability Factors, Lures and Recruitment Methods used to Entrap American Children into Sex Trafficking

This article aims at gaining insight into the lives of human trafficking victims in the United States and, more specifically, female domestic minor victims of sex trafficking. Understanding how family dynamics and the breakdown of the American family have created vulnerabilities in victims to being lured into the life of domestic minor sex trafficking in America is an important research study. 

criminology journal articles
Through the historical case study research here, survivors Stories and tragedies will come to life. In this study, an examination was made to understand what particular lure became effectively used to exploit the child through sex trafficking and what tactics or recruitment methods traffickers used, as well as the pimp characteristics that led to trust in the trafficker. Prior exposure to poverty, abuse in the home, exposure to drugs and alcohol, and basic needs for love and affection, food, clothing, shelter and security are all contributing factors to susceptibility, the very vulnerabilities that become preyed upon by human traffickers.

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Markets in the Light of Political-Economic Actors and Democracy Reconsidering Conceptual Framework for Sustainability Politics

The conceptual framework of neoclassical economics has been quite stable over the years while present challenges point in the direction of a need for new thinking and a new conceptual framework. Neoclassical economics is more or less blind to equality issues and not enough to deal constructively with present unsustainable trends. I will suggest important elements of such a new conceptual framework as part of a pluralistic understanding of economics.

public affairs peer review
When compared with neoclassical economics, the political dimension is emphasized thus making democracy a fundamental principle for relationships in markets and in society at large. A political economics is suggested where individuals are understood as political economic persons and organizations as political economic organizations. This leads to a different understanding of markets from that of neoclassical supply and demand. The ethics and responsibilities of market actors in a democratic society is considered relevant and something to be investigated for purposes of sustainability politics. 

Monday, 29 May 2017

Parents or Peer Group: Factors shaping the Identities of the Young Adolescents

sociology impact factor
Sociologists have been probing the influence of parents and peer groups on young adolescents for ages. While the parents play a crucial role in meeting the basic needs along with education and healthcare, peer groups provide the necessary emotional support in sharing their views and interests and acts as stress busters. When probed whether parental support or the peer group influence that shape the personalities of the young adolescents, a significant co-relation between the parental bond and attachment rather than the peer group pressure that shapes the mental and behavioral frames of the young adolescents.

Friday, 26 May 2017

SWAT Operations and Deadly Force: A Comparison of National Data with the Dorner Case

This study examines the case of ex-Los Angeles Police officer Christopher Dorner comparing it with national data on Special Weapons and Tactic (SWAT) operations. Emphasis is on the final confrontation between Dorner and SWAT. The inquiry seeks to expand what is known on SWAT use of deadly force. 

international journal of sociology and criminology
Qualitative data from media accounts and a law enforcement dispatch log is fused with quantitative data on SWAT from both the Multi-Method Study of Police Special Weapons and Tactics Teams in the United States, 1986-1998 and a related report to the U.S. Department of Justice. Chi-square tests of significance were applied. Results found Dorner possessed and used weapons common to SWAT suspects, SWAT and Dorner used deadly force, he was barricaded, and he committed suicide. Statistical significance was found for the following; SWAT uses deadly force more often than suspects, narcotics warrant suspects are fired upon by SWAT more than in other types of incidents, and hostage takers are fired upon less than in other types of incidents.

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Partisan Differences in Spending Preferences after theNew Democrat and New Labour Transformations of Party Images

In this paper we wonder whether the efforts of the New Democrats and New Labour to alter their parties’ images with respect to public spending mute the differences (or lack thereof) in their supporters’ preferences for public spending between their respective major parties as observed by Lewis in the UK case and Lowery and Sigelman in the US case. 

political science impact factor
We address this question by constructing matching UK and US data on aggregate public opinion on public spending at four points since 1980, treating the Clinton New Democrat and the Blair New Labour transformations as interventions that might be expected to alter the preferences of partisans for public spending. We find support for the thermostatic model of preferences for spending a result that raises questions about the power of party elites to shape the preferences of their supporters in the battle over the size of government.

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Mother who starved her Baby to Death: Is she Culpable of Murder or of Another Crime?

In the new criminal justice system in Japan, citizens serve as jurors, and media has predicted that   citizens may take a severe attitude toward a child abuse. In a recent fatal neglect case, the panel including citizens found the defendant to be murder and imposed apparently severe punishment than in prior procedure. 

international journal of sociology and criminology
This paper looks at similar two neglect cases tried in the prior system and considered how the neglect cases had been evaluated and charged in the prior system and will be in the new system in Japan. We obtained and reviewed the complete trial record of these cases by lawful means. The marked difference between two cases was whether the offenders had concretely foreseen the result of “the death of a child”. In spite of the same results caused by the mothers’ omission, their foresight of the occurrence of the results made differences in the charges and sentences for the offenders. 

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Greening a Machiavellian State? Insights for International Environmental Governance

This article is an appeal to common sense, once seen as the American virtue, as it may be applied to contemporary considerations of the contest over same-sex marriage. Specifically, I argue that all societies, including our own, are bound together by an underlying or fundamental common sense of a select few things. Each society builds upon these few universal fundamentals with its own particular mythic and social constructions. 

political science peer reviewed journals
When any one society begins to lose sight of these original human fundamentals and relies instead upon new shared conceptions of its world based solely upon abstract instrumental reason, it not only risks creating social and political mistakes-these, we may be able to live with, if not correct. More importantly, when such mistakes completely detach us from our fundamental common sense of human society, we risk the loss of this very society itself. This we cannot live with, at least not together. In other words, no policy or legislation, no constitution, and no charter of rights can bind together a people determined to become unbound by their loss of a fundamental common sense of the things by which they are first constituted together as human beings. I write with hope that we Americans-humanity’s “last best hope”-are not yet so determined.

Friday, 19 May 2017

From Dungeon Masters to Keepers of Peace: Tribalism, Dispute Resolution, and Theoretical Intervention within the Prison System

The American penal system is failing. Despite the billions of dollars spent on the prison system, America still faces challenges with its soaring prison population, high recidivism rate, and perpetual violence. Prisoners must cope with daily violence, and they are unable to escape once in the system. 

sociology journal impact factors
Prison administrators, overburdened with the need to maintain security, are powerless. This research proposal, therefore, presents a theoretical case for implementing tribalism and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) within the prison system in order to reduce violence, and empower both inmates and prison guards. Arguments for the benefits of ADR are examined. The paper proposes a theoretical model that uses the prisoners as self-regulating agents for change. A proposal for implementing reform by employing a system of “Tribal Elders” and a council of guards system is also discussed.