Thursday, 29 September 2016

Hardships Children face in the United States of America by Having a Parent in Prison: How to Help Them! A Program Proposal

Hardships Children face in the United States of America
This research intends to discover how youth are impacted by having one or both parents incarcerated; and identify consequential outcomes youth incur, in their attempt to cope with parental separation. Perusing thisissue, may reveal that as a parent walks into prison, their childrensimultaneously walk into a revolving door of multiple dilemmas linked topsychological challenges, behavioural difficulties, and emotional/ cognitive issues. Researchers have revealed that children who have a parent in prison are linked to many negative outcomes unfortunately. This highlights the importance of the ripple effect of having an incarcerated parent. 

Strategies andapproaches to creating a network of effective support and ameliorationservices, to aid this population of youth, cannot be determined without first having this knowledge as part of the needs assessment. Understanding the impact and operational dynamics of youth with a parent or parents in prison is critical to implement a successful program with the goals and objectives of addressing the needs of these youth and decreasing negative outcomes.

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Food Insecurity among Dalit Communities in India: Searching the Root Causes and Dimensions

Food security can be defined as a situation wherein all households have physical and economic access to adequate food for all members, and where households are not at risk of deprivation of this basic access. Explicitly, this access is inseparably linked to the larger question of the survival of humanity. 

Food Insecurity
Implicitly, the different elements that influence food security can be classified into three broad dimensions- food availability which depend on food production and imports, secondly food access which depend on purchasing power, and thirdly, food absorption, is a functions of safe drinking water, environmental hygiene, primary health care and education. However, we must point out thatwater security is also an inseparable component of food security. Hence, the question of availability, stability and access is also equally applicable to the question of water security as a part of larger food security. 

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Football: A Call for Transparency to Curb Corruption

Football, which has experienced an astounding transformation to a global industry with significant economic impact, has been a vehicle for the transmission of cultural and universal values. Its structural complexity (players, transferagents, clubs and its owners, right holders of different contracts) creates a lot of moving parts that can easily hide illicit activity, especially because this structure incorporates the international market. 

Transparency to Curb Corruption
The movement of large amounts of money, the difficulty in accounting for all transactions, and ironically, the clubs’ own financial needs increase this sector’s vulnerability to organized crime, in order to curb corruption and money laundering through them. The article argues for careful situation involving Football, identifying therisks of misconduct within sport organizations, and proposing measures that could prevent hamper and punish any attempts to thwart these organizations’ main goal: promoting sport as a way for cultural improvement and teaching people the values of tolerance and civilized coexistence.

Saturday, 24 September 2016

Oil and Darfur's Blood: China's Thirst for Sudan's Oil

Sudan's Oil
China, a rising super power and one of the fast growing economies in the world is showing unparalleled interest in Sudan. This interestplays itself out at the UN Security Council as well as inside Sudan. On numerous occasions, China has defied the United Nations Security Council and the international community by it usage or threat of veto to block several UN resolutions and sanctions on Khartoum’s regime and those accused of war crimes in Darfur. All these make China-Sudan relation more complex as well as interesting topic for an exploration. 

In this paper, focus is on China’s roles at the UN, China’s oil imports from Sudan and its arms ‘trades with Sudanese regime and how this complex relationship affects the Darfur conflict. Finally,the paper explores ways that China can help UN with the rest of the world tobring a lasting political settlement to Sudan’s region of Darfur.

Friday, 23 September 2016

Hardships Children face in the United States of America by Having a Parent in Prison: How to Help Them! A Program Proposal

This is a qualitative study examining research that has previously investigated the impact the incarceration of parents has on children in the United States of America. The study will explore root causes andcausality outcomes for youth behaviors, on a psychological and childdevelopment level, by examining data, results and findings from multiple journal articles related to this topic and documenting patterns, commonalities, differences and/or connections that may define why children often develop so many challenging outcomes.

Hardships Children face
The research questions are, why children who have an incarcerated parent are characterized to produce so many negative outcomes, such as emotional, learning and behavioral challenges; what do developmental theories say about this? What will be the best program implementation design to aid effectively in reducing negative outcomes, among youth who have a parent in prison?

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Demographic Impacts on Students' Political e-Participation: A Survey of Universities of Dera Ismail Khan, KP Pakistan

The impact of demographics on the student’s Political e-Participation. The scholar conducted preliminary research to get existing empathetic of the selected topic according to contemporary researchers. 

Students' Political e-Participation
The emergence of new digital technologies has resulted in optimistic concepts such as digital democracy, cyber democracy, digital agora, virtual community, and the global village, giving the impression that the cyberspace mechanically implies the broadening of democracy within society. The task of e-Participationis to empower people with digital technologies to be able to act inbottom-up-decision process, in order to make informed decisions, and to develop social and political responsibility. As suggested by the existing research, survey approach (Literature and Field Surveys) were adopted for data collection. Literature was used both for the preliminary and main studies. Primary data was collected through a ‘Structured-Questionnaire’ constructed using the working concepts extracted from the literature. 

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Victimologic Measurement Crime in Russia: Criminological Analysis of the Effects

Effective combating crime is not possible without an analysis of the social consequences of crime, which can be obtained from materials of the Russian official criminal statistics. Modern Russian criminal statisticsallows you to explore various aspects of criminal behaviour in society, forming its own information database victimologic statistics. 

Victimology Measurement Crime in Russia
Victimologic statistics is one of the most important areas of modern legal statistics, which is most characteristic of the negative social consequences of crime, and calling them the specific term “sacrifice crime”. You must understand that no one type of statistical accounting of the crime is not the ideal instrument for its measurement. Modern researchers write about the shortcomings of the criminalstatistics: incompleteness and distortion. However, despite this attitude to statistics crime it is not necessary to ignore them completely. Moreover, the analysis of the main indicators characterizing the “sacrifice of crime”, is extremely necessary, because it corrects criminal statistics, showing the reduction of crime in Russia.

Monday, 19 September 2016

Inter sectionality of Marginalization and Inequality: A Case Study of Muslims in India

Marginalization is a process that leads to side lining of a certain community/individual to the periphery of the social space that eventually constrain their life choices at political space, social negotiation, and economic bargaining. It is a complexcontested umbrella term is inextricably linked with the concept of inequalitywithin the marginalized communities. 

Muslims in India

In fact, inequality and marginalization are usually at interface in that they both with interacts and reinforces each other. Religious minority groups are amongst those who encounter severe exclusion, discrimination and oppression. In case of Indian Muslims as areligious marginalized community, these two concepts overlap. However, concern with ‘marginalization’ is relatively recent and it is imperative to check the development trajectory on the marginalized groups. 

Friday, 16 September 2016

The Jodi Arias Saga: A Tragic Drama

Jodi Arias Saga
On June 4, 2008, 27 year old Jodi Ann Arias murdered her lover, 30 year old Travis Alexander. Demonized in the popular press, Arias is often depicted as a crazy jealous angry sociopath who had a fatal attraction toward a man who was largely indifferent to her. Yet when her story is examinedfrom a feminist perspective, the gendered sociological and psychological forces that influenced her decision to commit the brutal crime become apparent. The all-encompassing rage that fueled her violent action was at least partially the result of being used, degraded and held to a double standard by a man who, at first glance, seemed to be her prince charming. As such, Jodi Arias is not the monster she has been portrayed to be. Her story can instead be likened to a tragic play.

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Attitude of agents towards General insurance corporation subsidiary companies in Tamil Nadu

The general insurance corporation attained the company status in 1972 and it commenced its business on the 1st January of 1973. Later, the government of India subscribed to the capital of GIC. The organization todaythe company is in a position to expand to other regions and could offer itsservices. Insurance provides a strong base for the economic growth of the country. It protects against the loss of property, which would be an obstacle for the wealth   creation.

agents attitudes towords the gic companies
Insurance agent being an individual who receives or agrees to receive payment by way of commission or other remuneration in consideration of his soliciting or procuring insurance business including business relating to the continuance, renewal or revival of policies of insurance. In the presentstudy the researcher has made an emphasis on the role of agents and problemsfaced by them of general insurance companies. The agency service is a vital organ of marketing of general insurance policies. 

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Caste And Prostitution In India: Politics Of Shame And Of Exclusion

The act of prostitution has existed in India since centuries have undergone change within its nature, intensity and issues concerning it. Once, socio culturally sanctified prostitution is now have been reconstructed and represented through language as a matter of undignified profession eventually marginalizes a women in sex work from all Public Spaces. 

Caste And Prostitution In India
The power of culture and language of social morality instrumentalizes the body of women which eventually denies them their most basic human rights on the pretext of being indulged in Shameful activity. Shame constructed through social morality has instrumentality to make women in sex work subservient to the desires of Men. Caste is one of the determining factor when it comes to Ritualized prostitution. Even though ritualized prostitution is illegal it is still prevalent. Castesystem as essentially being exclusionary tends to impose prostitution which issocially considered as Shameful on lower caste groups (as in the case of Jogins of Andhra Pradesh) in such a manner that it eventually reinforces the dominance of cultural traditions of which caste system is a part. Many lower caste communities are forced to be in this profession in the name of traditional culture (Like Nats in Rajasthan).

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Putin and Future of Russia

Politics is a process. Past events, in most of the cases, influence the decision makers of present. For past few years, Putin has been pursuing aggressive foreign policies. Annexation of Crimea has been seriousamong all. When Russia annexed Crimea in 2014, liberal democratic countries under the leadership of USA protested and reacted by imposing sanctions. 

Putin and Future of Russia
Though public opinion outside Russia was unfavorable against the annexation, Russian people approved and applauded Putin for successfully gaining lost territory of Crimea. This can by proved by the fact that Putin’s approval rating skyrocketedafter the annexation of Crimea. Many liberals accused Putin of breaking the international law without examining what made Putin make a dangerous move. Before Putin annexed Crimea, he would have foreseen accusations and sanctions from international community. He was well aware of cost. However, he knew west is handicapped to act meaningfully. Because, policies of NATO instigated Putin to annex Crimea.

Monday, 12 September 2016

Rural Women and Marriage

Rural Women and Marriage
The present study entitled Rural Women and Marriage is an outcome of field study covering tri-dimensional aspects of Indian rural women. These dimensions are marriage, education and decision making role of women. Theresearcher observed that the condition of women neither wholly changed norwholly traditional and deprived. An amalgamated spectrum of rural women in changing order and their problem perspective is a floating reality. Due to spread of educational facilities, growing and advancing scientific and technological inventions, increasing rate of industrial environment, changing attitude of rural population towards modernism, changing frontiers of Indian traditional values, better job opportunities have all left a subsection of Indian women society for tending to change in modern era.

Friday, 9 September 2016

Has the Tea Party Eclipsed the Republican Establishment in the 2016 Presidential Elections?

The premise of the paper is that Tea Party candidates for the presidency have an institutional advantage over establishment candidates in the Republican primaries and caucuses. The reason for this is that the Tea Party constitutesthe base of the Republican Party. The majority of Republicans support the Tea Party and they constitute 64% of primary voters. 

Republican Establishment
The significance of the 2016 presidential elections is that the Tea Party emerged as the leading force in the national Republican Party. In the lead-up to the first presidential caucusin Iowa, three of the top five Republican candidates, Donald Trump, Ben Carson,and Ted Cruz are Tea Party-backed candidates. These three candidates alone are ranked number one by more than 50% of Republican voters in the polls. The combined number one ranking of all establishment candidates Carly Fiorina, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, and Chris Christy average only 30% of Republican voters in the polls. The paper explains the Tea Party’s 10 principles and “primary” strategy to defeat Republicans in Name Only (RINOs) in primaries. It also examines the campaign organizations of the Tea Party Candidates which is central to mobilizing the Tea Party vote in primaries and caucuses.

Thursday, 8 September 2016

New Media, Crime Engineering and the Cost of Technological Innovation in the e-Environment

Scientifically, nations of the world are benefiting and will continue to appropriate the opportunities that computer cum Internet revolution offer; since this had occasioned the flatness in access to both information andproducts that seemed hitherto impossible. 

Crime Engineering
However, despite the advantages attributable to technological break throughs in the field of science, the global community is yet to recover from the manifest functions closely knitted with major unfolding scenario and part of which is located in e-crime and other deviant behaviors affecting e-relationship. Consequently, this paper attemptsthe evaluation of the negative impact of the Internet technology from thecontext of crime mostly emanating from the young people. It also establishes a linkage between scientific and crimogenic breakthroughs in the global community and finally presents an advocacy for a more safe science that is capable of minimizing and monitoring the effect of its uses.

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Obama Administration Leadership

The Obama administration has been forced to deal with a number of challenges. Some of those have been inherited challenges while others have been manufactured or produced by the government itself. From passinghealth care reform to finishing two different international wars, the government has been busy in the policy realm. 

Obama Administration Leadership
Likewise, the government has faced domestic political challenges in the form of opposition from the Republican Party. Given the nature of politics in 2014, getting things done from a legislative standpoint has never been more difficult. Some believe thatthe administration has shown significant leadership experience in dealing withthe challenges. Those individuals acknowledge President Obama’s ability to command an audience and use political pressure to extract the result that he is seeking. Others criticize the president for weak leadership, laying at his feet blame for a host of the country’s problems, including the economy and eroding civil liberties. 

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Prevalence of Tea, Coffee and Nescafe Consumption among High School Students

Tea is a beverage that is prepared by pouring boiling and hot water over its leaves. After water, tea is the most consumed beverage in the world. Probably for thefirst time in China, tea was used as a medicinal drink. Each year three billion kilograms of tea are produced worldwide. Black tea and green tea both come from the same plant. 

Prevalence of Tea, Coffee and Nescafe Consumption
The difference is that the green tea leaves are steamed, and then dried. But black tea leaves are dried, fermented, and sometimes chemical materials and colors are added. The statistical analysis revealed that about80% of the Japanese drink green tea and more than half of them do so three ormore cups daily. The researchers also found that the benefits of green tea are greater in women. It increases the longevity told by Ulrike et al. In addition to tea, coffee is a common drink in the world. It seems that for the first time coffee has been used in Ethiopia. 

Caffeine is a natural alkaloid compound, found in the coffee beans and tea leaves and is the most common nervous system stimulant and approximately 80% of its consumption is in the form of coffee said by Lucas. In North America and Europe, the primary source of caffeine is from coffee and tea. According to statistics, 90% of the adult population in America consumes caffeine.

Saturday, 3 September 2016

A Welfare State Approach to Islamic Polity

A Welfare State Approach to Islamic Polity
This paper builds upon the following critique of Islamic economics: (a) Persistence on the literal interpretation of what the theology of Islamic law implies socioeconomically, (b) Rejection subsequently of the core western economicprinciple of homo economicus cum-competition, though homo economicus behavior is innermost to absence of riba alfadl (of exploitation in the goods market) in the large at least impersonal markets of our times, (c) Rejection, because of the ahistorical view of the West and hence, of inability to realize that the Cold War European welfare state with a constitution inspired by social solidarity as it derives not politically but religiously from Islamic law might be worth followed by Islam, and (d) Identification of riba an-nasiya (of exploitation in the financial markets) with zero interest rate charges and not with zero commercial bank seigniorage.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Global Justice and Reflexive Immigration

The nature of immigration policies across countries have gained immense importance and come under scrutiny; on whether notions of global justice are betterimplemented under open or close borders. This proposed paper will look into the theory of global justice and redistribution starting with Rawls and his critics and apply a cosmopolitan framework on the ethics of immigration and borders. 

Reflexive Immigration
Relevant discourses on immigration and borders have largely focused on the accepting country and migrants, and their relationship but have failed to adequately consider the origin country. However, this analysis will not onlyinclude the origin country but also look at principles of global justice in acomprehensive structure comprising all three actors, the migrants, accepting and origin countries. Engaging with the issues on how to make immigration policies fair will be done through an analysis of global difference principle and global equality of opportunity. Based on this understanding, the paper attempts to seek to assert a weak cosmopolitan premise with opportunity sets in as the context to create immigration policies.