Friday, 20 January 2017

Youth Outcomes in a Community Collaboration Model

Five-year integrated, community-focused collaboration for adolescents receiving juvenile justice services who also had diagnosed mental health and substance abuse disorders is described. Multiple outcomes, including multi system- level and individual client-level outcomes are reported. System level outcomes include: 1) the creation and continuation of a system of care for the target group, including natural and community supports; and 2) the impact of cultural issues on treatment and integrated service planning.

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Individual client-level outcomes include: 1) reduced juvenile justice systems involvement and reduced incarceration and out-of-home placements; 2) improved school performance and attendance; 3) accurate and timely behavioral health screening; 4) improved clinical outcomes; and 5) improved satisfaction with services.

Thursday, 19 January 2017

The Analysis of Tourism Policies by Different Governments and their Potential Implementation in North Cyprus Economy

Tourism sector is a pillar in the economies of countries, developed and developing ones particularly those countries in which tourism is the major source of income and foreign currencies, as well as, creating job vacancies. Since the tourism industry is gaining popularity in the 21st century,international tourist arrivals are expected to increase by 3.8% per year between 2010 and 2020, even though it was above the WTO expectations in 2014 (4%), therefore, more attention should be paid to this creative sector. Furthermore, tourism is considered as a source of economic development especially, for the developing countries.

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Tourism and education are the major players TRNC economy. As the TRNC realized an apparent success in higher education and polarizing of new overseas students, it is not hard mission to share the same experience with tourism sector in order to achieve a parallel success. Accordingly, in 2014 tourism sector indicators show that tourism contributed nearby 8.7% of GDP go along with an occupancy rate of 31% up to August 2014. Consequently, higher education sector contributions were 5.6% of GDP in the same year 2014 (TRNC FACTBOOK, 2014).

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Impact of Parental Care and Separation on Aggressive Behaviour of Adolescents in Owerri

Most social psychologists and sociologists have in time past defined aggression in terms of the intent and purpose behind the behaviour. According to Berkowitz,aggression is intentional injury or harm to another person. The behaviour may represent a normal development stage or indicate a serious on going mental health disorder that possesses a safety concern. 

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It can be either impulsive (reacting to a trigger) or proactive (premodiated) and may interfere with family or peer relationships and school performance. During the course of normal development, families may experience periods when a child exhibits temper tantrums during toddler years or rebellion during adolescent years. These behaviours when limited in time are considered normal developmental occurrences, but when they form pattern overtime they are considered to be psychiatric disorders.

Monday, 16 January 2017

Does e-governance enhances trust of the people on the government?

Advancement in ICT has revolutionized the governing process as the governments across the globe are resorting to electronic governance as it is quick, efficient and transparent. A study tried to assess whether or not the e-governance enhanced the people’s trust on government in China.

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Highly participatory and entrepreneurial way of governance using technology upheld the trust of users on the e-governance process. The study identified certain areas where the Chinese government must improve further to continue this trust.

Friday, 13 January 2017

Political Elections as an Element of Democracy

The article examines electoral systems in relation to democratic theory; and it links the study of electoral systems to that of voting systems. It compares elections in various other kinds of systems, and it looks at the differences between Azerbaijan experience and that of other countries. The article tries to bridge the gap between theory and practice.

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The literature regarding the formation of party systems in different transition societies, reflects that establishment of institutionalized party system where competing parties exist is an extended process and needs a long time. Also, this study accounts for different electoral system in terms of political modernization and democratic transformation. All these problems have been analyzed from both a comparative and a theoretical stand point. Today, to attain a healthy and stable political structure is one of the main problems of political science. As a result, political parties and political elections are indispensable elements of democracy.

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

A Critical Study of Primary Education Situation in AJK State

AJK (Azad Jammu and Kashmir) is known as Pakistan Administered Kashmir and the government is a small administrative unit under overall sovereignty of Pakistan. It has a total area of 13297 sq kilo meters with a 3.8 million population. This study critically examines the problems of primary education system in AJK State specifically in govt. 

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primary schools in Pakistan administrative Kashmir, a part of former princely state called Azad Jammu and Kashmir. For this purpose a significant assessment of on hand literature was passed out. On the basis of deeper and critical investigation of literature, the study found that most neglected level of education is primary education which is poorly financed and poorly managed. The political interference in the system breeds corruption, favoritism and nepotism.

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Support for Political Leaders and Elected Representatives in Quebec

The literature on political support in advanced industrial democracies has expanded fairly steadily over the last fifty years, but the findings on people’s outlooks toward political authorities and their consequences are far from conclusive. There is also ongoing debate about what factors best account for the way people feel about their political authorities. 

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In this paper we take a more focused analytical approach and employ data from the recent Comparative Provincial Election Project to examine how Quebecers feel about their different political authorities across various levels of government. We also explore some potential consequences and test some prominent explanations.

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Developmental Theories and the Challenge for the 21st Century

Empirical research on developmental theories of crime first informed us that increase in social capital such as quality marriages, jobs or first time fatherhood would lead toward desistance, except among men who were substance abusers. However, the men in this notable work by Robert Sampson and John Laub were based on a cohort who came of age during World War two. 

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While this seemed disheartening for those of us who hoped for social policies that might facilitate such attachment policies, at least in the United States where the incarceration mania continued until recently. Now new re-entry policies have begun to lead to de-carceration movements around the country. While this is laudable, job creation and treatment programs also must be created to facilitate successful reentry. The neighbour hoods some of these form felons may not increase but rather decrease their social capital.