Thursday, 19 January 2017

The Analysis of Tourism Policies by Different Governments and their Potential Implementation in North Cyprus Economy

Tourism sector is a pillar in the economies of countries, developed and developing ones particularly those countries in which tourism is the major source of income and foreign currencies, as well as, creating job vacancies. Since the tourism industry is gaining popularity in the 21st century,international tourist arrivals are expected to increase by 3.8% per year between 2010 and 2020, even though it was above the WTO expectations in 2014 (4%), therefore, more attention should be paid to this creative sector. Furthermore, tourism is considered as a source of economic development especially, for the developing countries.

tourism policy journal
Tourism and education are the major players TRNC economy. As the TRNC realized an apparent success in higher education and polarizing of new overseas students, it is not hard mission to share the same experience with tourism sector in order to achieve a parallel success. Accordingly, in 2014 tourism sector indicators show that tourism contributed nearby 8.7% of GDP go along with an occupancy rate of 31% up to August 2014. Consequently, higher education sector contributions were 5.6% of GDP in the same year 2014 (TRNC FACTBOOK, 2014).

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